Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Chevron Baby Quilt & Card

Our niece had her fourth child this month, a baby girl (lucky little girl - she has three older brothers!) so I thought I'd try my hand at making this quilt (can you call it a quilt when the fabric comes already quilted??) and a coordinating card:

Tuck in a pink teddy bear & it's ready to go.
The finished size of the quilt is 35"x42"; a good size to be used as a changing pad, play mat or quilt. I followed the tutorial by Amanda at: This quilt is so quick & simple because it uses Riley Blake's quilted cotton fabric (chevron) that I purchased online at Hawthorne Threads. To make the extra wide binding (5"), I followed this tutorial that Amanda provided:
Sunday, July 27, 2014
It's that time of year again....

One batch done.

It took Bruce 3 hours to clean 288 ears of corn!  It took Stacy & I much longer to make 18 batches of sweet corn for the freezer but boy, is it ever good this year.  Thank you Kevin!!!! 

Kevin's Sweet Corn Recipe

9 cups of sweet corn (Iowa grown, of course)
2 cups water

Use electric knife to cut kernels off the cob.  Put the corn & water in a 5 qt. pot & bring to a boil (need about 16 ears for 9 cups of corn).  Boil five minutes & cool (place the pot in the sink filled w/cold water...change water often or let cool at room temp. for a bit then put in the fridge to cool).  Once it is completely cool, put in freezer bags & freeze.  I put 2 cups per bag; lay the bags flat & they'll stack nicely in your freezer. Enjoy a little piece of summer this coming winter - yum!